Title Source - Title Source
Title Source, a subsidiary of Rock Holdings (the Dan Gilbert-led parent company of Quicken Loans, among others) is a provider of title insurance, property valuations and settlement services in the United States. In July 2012, the company consolidated its suburban workforce of approximately 1500 employees to a single location in downtown Detroit's First National Building. In addition to its Detroit operations, Title Source maintains regional operating centers in California, Pennsylvania and Texas.
Products and services
- National Residential
Title Source offers real estate services for residential title insurance services nationwide. As a title insurance and settlement service provider, Title Source's products offer origination, and tracking of residential real estate and lending transactions.
- National Commercial
The Title Source National Commercial group is focused on commercial real estate transactions, representing title insurers such as First American Corporation, Fidelity National Title, Chicago Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth, Old Republic International and Stewart Title. Services span from simple single property mortgage coverage to complex, multibillion-dollar portfolio acquisitions. The company is a provider to five of the top twenty Fortune 100 companies, and many of the largest residential mortgage lenders.
- TSI Appraisal
TSI Appraisal, a division of Title Source, is an Appraisal Management Company (AMC) providing valuation products and services nationwide.
External links
- Official website
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